SRO.649(I)/2023: MRP fixation of Cardiac Stents

Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan with approval of the Federal Government, in exercising its powers conferred by subclause (vii) of clause (c) of section 7 of the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan Act2012 (XXI of 2012) readwith section 1 2 of the Drugs Act, 197 6 (XXXI of 197 6) has notified the maximum retail prices of cardiac stents as specified hereunder:-

DRAP issued Consolidated Notification for Regulatory Fees

Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) issued a consolidated notification of Regulatory fess for various functions and services. This notification is issued under the section (1) of section 20 of the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan Act, 2012 (XX.I of 2012) read with sub-rule (3) of rule 4 of the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (Fee and Levy) Rules, 2022, and in supersession of all such previous Notifications. The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan with the approval of the Policy Board has specified these regulatory fees. The Notification is provided as under: –