The Drugs (Import and Export) Rules 1976 (as amended)
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The Drug Research Rules, 1978
The Drug Research Rules, 1978(as amended)
The Drugs Research Rules, 1978 (Initial Version)
Common Technical Document (CTD) for Registration of Human Drugs (S.R.O. 713(I)/2018)
Amendments In The Drugs (Licensing, Registering And Advertising) Rules, 1976 (S.R.O. 1163(I)/2017.)
GMP Inspection Committee (Appeal) Regulations, 2017 (S.R.O. 1012(I)/2017).
SRO.470(I)/2017 dated 15th June, 2017: Labeling and Barcode rules
Alternative Medicines and Health Products (Enlistment) Rules, 2014 (S.R.O.412(I)/2014)
Amendments in Drugs (Licensing, Registering and Advertising) Rules, 1976 (S.R.O. 152 (I/2014)
Amendments in Drugs (Licensing, Registering and Advertising) Rules, 1976.