Regulatory Updates
National Pharmacovigilance Cell (NPC), DRAP released draft Guidelines on National Pharmacovigilance System (Edition 03) seeking comments from stakeholders
The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) has set up the National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC) in Islamabad to oversee the safety of medicinal products nationwide. The NPC collaborates with national and international entities to establish an effective pharmacovigilance system in Pakistan. Since 2018, Pakistan has been a full member of the World Health Organization Programme for International Drug Monitoring (WHO-PIDM) based at the Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) in Sweden.
The NPC has developed a multi-channel reporting system, including electronic and manual reporting forms available through website and mobile applications for healthcare professionals and the public. The Pharmacovigilance Rules, 2022, apply a legal obligation of all pharmacovigilance stakeholders to establish their system and report the pharmacovigilance data to NPC.
The 1st edition of these guidelines was drafted as per the draft Pharmacovigilance Rules and had chapters and sections for the guidance of healthcare professionals, patients and registration holders. Subsequently, the National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC) issued separate guidelines for the above pharmacovigilance stakeholders and also Pharmacovigilance Rules, 2022 were officially notified vide S.R.O 540 (I)/2022 dated 22nd April 2022. Therefore, the NPC-issued 2nd edition of guidelines with the title “Guidelines on the National Pharmacovigilance System” which were prepared in line with Pharmacovigilance Rules, 2022. All those sections /chapters for the guidance of the above stakeholders were removed and the WHO PV indicators were incorporated in Chapter 11 in the 2nd edition of the guideline. This 3rd edition of these guidelines has been drafted in light of WHO recommendations in the form of Institutional Development Plans (IDP) made during its assessment of the National Regulatory System of the DRAP. As per WHO recommendation and DRAP’s Authority decision, the PRAEC has now been given an advisory role in relation to signal management and risk assessment; whereas, the NPC has been mandated to perform signal management and risk assessment process and to make decisions in the context of risk minimization and recommendation of regulatory actions to concerned Boards and Committees of the DRAP.
These guidelines are uploaded on the official website of DRAP on the 16th of September, 2024 to seek comments and suggestions from stakeholders on the draft document. Stakeholders can submit their comments and suggestions within 15 days of uploading this document using the prescribed format. For further guidelines on submitting comments, visit the DRAP website or click here. Comments and suggestions can be forwarded via email to pv∂ or can be posted at the mailing address, Director, Division of Pharmacy Services, Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan, Prime Minister’s National Health Complex, Park Road, Islamabad.
Orientation Session For Pharmaceutical Manufacturers on PIC/s GMP Guidelines
The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) is dedicated to enhancing the regulatory framework to meet international standards and elevate the pharmaceutical sector in Pakistan. As part of these efforts, DRAP is aspiring membership of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) for inspectorates in the field of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) of drug products.
Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S)
PIC/S is a mutual cooperative arrangement between regulatory authorities in the field of GMP for medicinal products. PIC/S aims to harmonize inspection procedures globally by developing common standards in GMP and facilitating cooperation and networking between competent authorities, regional, and international organizations, thereby increasing mutual confidence.
Virtual Orientation Sessions
To raise awareness in the industry about the PIC/S theme and GMP guidelines, and to facilitate a phased transition towards adopting these guidelines, DRAP will conduct a series of virtual orientation sessions for pharmaceutical manufacturers. The tentative schedule for the first two sessions is as follows, with further sessions to be announced later:
Session | Date |
Session 1 | 4th September, 2024 |
Session 2 | 6th September, 2024 |
Interested participants are required to complete the registration form by 31st August, 2024. The virtual session links will be emailed to registered participants with the session agenda.
DRAP Switched Over to Pakistan Single Window (PSW) for Regulatory Controls on Crossborder Trade at Karachi Custom Stations
The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) is pleased to announce that, effective August 15, 2024, we have successfully transitioned from the Online Import Export System (OIES) to the Pakistan Single Window (PSW) for processing applications related to the clearance of commercial imports of raw materials and finished drug products at Karachi Seaport and Airport customs stations.
Pakistan Single Window (PSW) is an electronic portal enabling cross-border trade using standardized information and documents through a single entry point for all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements. The information is transmitted electronically, and individual data elements for clearance and regulatory approvals need only be submitted once. Authorized users who have completed the subscription process can access the PSW to perform cross-border procedures, including online payment/fees.
Key Highlights of the Transition:
- Single Declaration Release: DRAP officers are now electronically issuing Release Orders through a Single Declaration (SD) system, streamlining the import/export process for pharmaceutical products.
- Trade Automation: The new system allows for 24/7 electronic submission of cross-border trade applications, including online payment of fees and controlled data processing by authorized users.
- Single Entry Point: Users can now submit standardized information and documents just once, simplifying the application process.
- Clear Visibility and Application Tracking: The PSW system provides clear visibility of actions on applications, eliminating the need for physical visits for application follow-ups. It also allows for electronic calls on documents for any shortcomings.
DRAP Operations at PSW Include:
- Entity Registration: Onboarding of existing Drug Manufacturing Licenses (DMLs), product registrations, and importers with existing drug sale licenses.
- Raw Materials & Finished Drugs: Processing of drug import licenses (Form 5), clearance certificates for the import of raw materials, finished drugs, and controlled drugs.
- Clinical Trials, Tests & Analysis: Issuance of drug import licenses for test analysis (Form 6) and clearance certificates for the import of drugs/medicines for clinical trials.
- Hospital/Institutional Use & Donations: Import permits for unregistered/unavailable drugs and clearance certificates for donation medicines.
Additional Information:
- DRAP Notification: DRAP has issued a notification regarding this transition to ensure all stakeholders are informed and prepared for the new process.
- PSW User Manual: PSW has issued a comprehensive user manual to guide users through the new system, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition.
For further assistance, please contact us at 021-111-111-779 or email support∂
Stakeholders Comments are invited on Draft Guidelines On Submission of Expenditure Details Under the Ethical Marketing To Healthcare Professionals Rules, 2021
The Healthcare Industry, comprising various sectors, is interlinked and highly dependent on frequent interactions, coordination, and supportive activities for a sustainable healthcare environment. Among this industry, therapeutic goods establishments and healthcare professionals are two important stakeholders and their interaction is vital and prone to criticism due to its repercussions on patients and the public.
To ensure innovation, progress, and improvement in healthcare and healthcare products while preserving professional ethics and transparency, the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) has taken significant steps in line with the provision of Section 7(q) of the DRAP ACT 2012, which mandated the Authority to monitor and regulate marketing practices to ensure the rational use of drugs and ethical criteria for the promotion of therapeutic goods in line with international practices. In exercising this function, DRAP has notified the “Ethical Marketing to Healthcare Professionals Rules 2021” via S.R.O. 1472(I)/2021 on the 12th of November 2021. These rules outline the major forms of interaction between companies and healthcare professionals.
To facilitate the implementation, DRAP has developed a draft guideline on submitting expenditure details related to marketing activities targeted towards healthcare professionals to provide clarity and ensure compliance with the Ethical Marketing to Healthcare Professionals Rules 2021.
These guidelines are uploaded on the official website of DRAP on the 9th of August, 2024 to seek comments and suggestions from stakeholders on the draft document. Stakeholders can submit their comments and suggestions within 15 days of uploading this document using the prescribed format. For further guidelines on how to submit comments visit the DRAP website or click here. Comments and suggestions can be forwarded via email to aqsa.hashmi∂ or can be posted at the mailing address, Director, Division of Pharmacy Services, Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan, Prime Minister National Health Complex, Park Road, Chak Shehzad, Islamabad.
Revocation of Form-6 (provisional certificate for enlistment as manufacturer /importer & Form-7 (provisional certificate for enlistment of products)
DRAP Pharmacovigilance Newsletter-August 2024
The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC), Division of Pharmacy Services, Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) is excited to announce the release of the new edition of its Pharmacovigilance Newsletter!
This edition is filled with essential updates and insights for healthcare professionals, regulators, and registration holders. Key highlights include:
- Launching of VigiMobile App in Urdu
- Strengthening Pharmacovigilance Systems in Public Health Programmes
- Pharmacovigilance Training Sessions for Healthcare Professionals
- Highlights from the 4th Meeting of the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Expert Committee (PRAEC)
- Latest Safety Alerts
Stay informed and enhance your knowledge of medication safety to help minimize medication harm and ensure better patient outcomes
Registration Board directed manufacturers to follow USP Monograph for Ciprofloxacin Oral Suspension
Bioequivalence and Bioavailability of Drug Products
The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) is committed to ensure that all pharmaceutical drug products shall conform to acceptable standards of safety, efficacy and quality. The submission of bioequivalence studies is requirement of Form-5F (Common Technical Document) notified vide SRO 713(1)/2018 dated 08.06.2018.
The Registration Board, in its 338th meeting on July 4, 2024, resolved that the regulatory approval process for the registration of generic drugs in light of the guidelines of international regulatory agencies will include the implementation of Bio-equivalence studies in adherence to WHO guidelines. The decision of the Registration Board is hereby communicated for implementation.
DRAP Finalized Guidelines on Standards for Establishment of Hospital Pharmacies
Guidelines on standard for Establishment of Hospital Pharmacies are intended to serve as a basic guide for the provision of pharmacy services in the hospitals within the country. These guidelines outline a set of services that are expected from hospital pharmacy departments and are aimed at ensuring consistent, high-quality pharmacy services across all hospitals, ultimately benefiting patients and the healthcare system as a whole.
The guidelines cover four key areas:
- Hospital Pharmacy Operations which include aspects like organizational structure, staffing, resources, policies, and procedures for managing medications from procurement and storage to dispensing and monitoring.
- Medicine Use Management where the focus is on optimizing medication use within the hospital. This involves procedures for medication reconciliation, identifying potential issues, and implementing strategies to improve medication effectiveness and avoid medication-related harm.
- Quality Improvement with the believe in continuous improvement! These guidelines outline practices for assessing the effectiveness of hospital pharmacy services, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing corrective actions.
- Human Resources Development for ensuring a competent and skilled pharmacy workforce is crucial. The guidelines address training and development programs for all pharmacy personnel, from pharmacists to technicians.
These guidelines were uploaded on DRAP website as well as shared with the stakeholder as draft document for their inputs and comments in January 2024. After careful consideration of comments and deliberation through multiple virtual meetings, these guidelines have been finalized and being circulated as a guidance document providing minimum standards for establishment and functioning of hospital pharmacies in the country.