National Essential Medicine Lists

Availability of essential medicines is one of the essential building blocks of healthcare system. Essential medicines are those which satisfy the primary healthcare need of the population. These are intended to be available within the context of functioning of health system at all times, in adequate amounts, in the appropriate dosage form with assured quality, and at a price that the individual and community can afford.

Careful selection of a limited range of essential medicines of high quality can provide better management towards judicious use of health resources.

National standard treatment guidelines navigate selection of essential medicine with the expectation to ensure their availability with reference to proper use of medicine within the healthcare system while reducing its cost.

National Essential Medicine List NEML is a critical document which provides and supports quality of health services across the country. The list is based on disease prevalence, evidence on efficacy and safety, and comparative cost-effectiveness and parameters adapted by W.H.O in its latest edition of Model List of Essential Medicines.

Health sector in general and Pharmaceutical sector in particular is expected to seriously consider adopting this list as a way forward to guide Provincial Governments in Medicine & Pharmaceutical sector policies, the determinants of medicines access and availability. The Provincial Governments can play a pivotal role to encourage procurement and supply chain management policies based on essential medicine concepts to promote rational use of scarce public resources. Drug Regulatory Authority is committed to make all efforts to improve patient care through availability of cost efficacious, safe & quality medicines availability in the country.

Current List

The current version, updated in October 2023 is based on the 23rd WHO Model List of Essential Medicines List (MLEM).

National Essential Medicine List-2023
English ( 47.8 MB – PDF)

Previous Lists

National Essential Medicine List-2021
English ( 10.8 MB – PDF)

National Essential Medicine List-2020
English ( 55 MB – PDF)

National Essential Medicine List-2018
English ( 15 MB – PDF)

National Essential Medicine List-2016
English ( 39 MB – PDF)

DRAP notified National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC) under the Pharmacovigilance Rules, 2022

Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) , in pursuance to the enactment of Pharmacovigilance Rules, 2022 has notified the National Pharmacovigilance Centre, with the aim to further enhance the Pharmacovigilance activities includes collecting, analyzing, monitoring, and preventing adverse effects in the therapeutic goods.

DRAP also encourages all healthcare professionals to establish the practices of pharmacovigilance in the country as they have pivotal role in monitoring the safety and efficacy of therapeutic goods, particularly for newly-marketed product.

The Authority, under Rule 3(1) read with Rule 3 (2) of the Pharmacovigilance Rules, 2022, notified the National Pharmacovigilance Centre under the Division of Pharmacy Services, DRAP.

The safe use of drugs, vaccines, medical devices and other therapeutic goods medicines is the most important criteria for DRAP to protect the public health and integrity of national healthcare system. Pharmacovigilance is the mechanisms to map and ensure the safety of therapeutic goods throughout their life span – from clinical trials to patient or consumer.

The importance of Pharmacovigilance is increased further in the current era due to arrival of novel of biopharmaceutical products and innovative technologies in healthcare practices.

National Pharmacovigilance Center (NPC) is working at DRAP and Pakistan is a full member of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring.

Two Provincial Pharmacovigilance Centres in Punjab and Islamabad are also working in addition to a Centre of EPI (immunization programme), collecting ADR data and collaborating with the National Centre. National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC) has also established a Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Expert Committee (PRAEC).

NPC is Coordinating with other provinces/administrative territories, PHPs for establishment of their PV centers and also communicating with manufacture and importers of therapeutic goods for establishment of their pharmacovigilance system and reporting of ADRs to DRAP.

NPC has also published various documents and Guidelines for Stakeholders on pharmacovigilance activities, including :-

  1. Pakistan National Pharmacovigilance Guidelines
  2. Good Vigilance Practice Guidelines for Pharmaceutical Companies
  3. Pharmacovigilance Guidelines for Healthcare Professionals
  4. Pharmacovigilance Guidelines for Patients Pharmacovigilance
  5. Guidelines for Public Health Programmes.

National Pharmacovigilance Centre, DRAP intends to seek comments of Stakeholders on “Draft Guidelines on High Alert Medication Management”

DRAP envisions advancement in the healthcare system of Pakistan by working at par with international standards, and best regulatory practices through effective management and regulation of therapeutic goods. The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC) at DRAP prepares and issues guidelines from time to time for different activities relating to Pharmacovigilance and promotion of pharmacy services to cater to the needs of different stakeholders.

NPC, DRAP has recently published a revised list of High Alert Medication on the official website and is currently developing a Guidelines on High Alert Medication Management.

This document is intended for the guidance and support of hospitals and healthcare professionals (HCP) for safe prescribing, dispensing, administration and monitoring of high alert medication (HAM) and applies to all healthcare settings and healthcare professionals involved in handling and usage of HAM. The outlined and recommended strategies are intended to educate HCPs, prevent risks associated with HAM, implement safety checks and encourage reporting of Adverse Events /Adverse Drug Reactions. 

This draft guideline is uploaded on the official website of DRAP dated 16th June, 2022, for seeking comments and suggestions from stakeholders on the draft document. Stakeholders can submit their comments and suggestions within 15 days of uploading this document using prescribed format, (further information on comments submission can be accessed on this link). Comments and suggestions can be forwarded via email to, copying at , or can be posted at mailing address, Director, Division of Pharmacy Services, Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan, 3rd floor, TF Complex, 7th Mauve Area, G-9/4, Islamabad.

DRAP issued Guidelines for Public Health Programs (PHPs) to promote Pharmacovigilance activities and enhancing collaboration with National Pharmacovigilance Centre, DRAP.

Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) aims at providing a holistic system of Pharmacovigilance in the country. Public Health Programs are key stakeholders involved in the reporting, assessment and risk communication of various un-wanted effects arising after the use of drugs, vaccines and other therapeutic goods. Reporting of Adverse Events associated with the use of therapeutic goods exclusively being used by PHPs is essential to a pharmacovigilance system.

The key objectives of pharmacovigilance activities in public health programs are:-

  1. To improve public health and safety in relation to the use of therapeutic goods in PHPs;
  2. To detect problems related to the use of therapeutic goods and associated risk communication in a timely manner
  3. To encourage the safe, rational and more effective use of therapeutic goods.

This guideline will assist the Public Health Programs (PHPs) for enhancement of pharmacovigilance activities, and provide a guidance on communication channels among PHPs and Pharmacovigilance Centres for collaborative working to synergize activities within the National Pharmacovigilance system of Pakistan.

DRAP published the draft of this guidelines on its website on 23rd April, 2022 inviting the comments of stakeholders on the draft. After through consultation and careful consideration, fist edition of the guidelines on the pharmacovigilance activities in the public health programs are finalized. Nevertheless, anyone can still furnish his/her comments on the guidelines using our comments submissions methods for consideration in the future editions of the document.