DRAP asks stakeholders to comment on the draft guidelines on Bio-availability & Bio-equivalence studies for generic drug products

The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) ensures that all pharmaceutical drug products conform to acceptable standards of safety, efficacy and quality. This guidance will be applicable to orally administered generic drug products as well as to non-orally administered pharmaceutical products for which systemic exposure measures are suitable for documenting bioequivalence.

This document will provides guidance to the industry for in vivo and in vitro requirements to assure interchangeability of the generic product without compromising the safety, quality and efficacy of the pharmaceutical product.

Stakeholders can submit their comments and suggestions with 15 days of uploading of this document using prescribed format to submit comments (link to access table of comments), and forward via email to abdullah.diyo@dra.gov.pk, copying at muneeb.cheema@dra.gov.pk, or can post at mailing address Additional Director, Pharmaceutical Evaluation and Registration, 4th floor TF Complex, 7th Mauve Area, G-9/4, Islamabad.

Please click to view the “Draft Guidelines on Bio-Equivalence (BE) / Bioavailability (BA) Studies for Generic Drug Products”