DRAP has deployed an online application management system “Pakistan Integrated Regulatory Information Management Systm (PIRIMS)” ‘ for processing of regulatory information related to licensing, registration, and inspections of pharmaceutical and biological drugs.

Transforming manual operation to PIRIMs, DRAP requested marketing authorization holders of pharmaceutical and biological drug products to review and update their finished products Specifications. Accordingly, a notice was uploaded on the website of DRAP on 13m March, 2023, with the direction to all Registration Holders of pharmaceutical and Biological drug products to update finished products Specifications and validated method of testing i.e. Pharmacopoeial or in case of non-availability in any pharmacopeia, Innovator / Manufacturer’s Specification, in the corresponding product profile / details in the PIRMS at http://pirims.dra.gov.pk.
The timeline for submission of requisite information on the PIRIMS has been further extended till 09th June 2023 on the request of pharmaceutical industry.