Notice for submission of documents by the shortlisted candidates for the recruitment of vacant positions in DRAP


Reference online applications and subsequent appearance in screening test conducted by the Education Testing Council of Higher Education Commission for the subject post, following candidate(s) are advised to furnish BIO-DATA along with attested copies (with name stamp of attestation officer) of requisite documents as mentioned below, within 10 days of placement of this Notice on DRAP website/ issuance of email, through Registered Post/Courier to determine their eligibility.
It may, however, be noted that asking of documents should not be inferred that the candidates have been shortlisted for interview and their eligibility in all respects in terms of advertised conditions shall be determined after scrutiny of their documents.

1. Assistant Director – Budget & Accounts / Costing & Pricing

2. Assistant Director – Management Information Services

3. Assistant Director – Technical (Bio-Medical)

4. Assistant Director – Technical (Bio-technologist)

5. Assistant Director – Technical (Chemist)

6. Assistant Director – Technical (Microbiologist)

7. Assistant Director – Legal Affairs

8. Assistant Director – Technical

9. Deputy Directors – Technical

Biodata Form

Training on Pakistan Single Window for DRAP Module

Pakistan Single Window-PSW is working on the automation of trade-related business processes of the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP). The existing business processes of issuance of License, Permits, Certificates and Others (LPCOs) by DRAP has been mapped in consultation with DRAP._

In this context, Pakistan Single Window-PSW would like to invite you for a hybrid Training Session for the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan-DRAP Module. In this session our Domain and System Experts will provide you the walkthrough of filling Entity Registration, License Registration (DML), Product Registration and SECP Verification.

The meeting is scheduled for Friday, 25th August 2023 from 03:30 PM till 04:30 PM. Manufacturers/DML holders working in Karachi are requested to join us physically at Main Conference Room, Fifth Floor, Bahria Complex-1, M.T Khan Road, Karachi.

Interested members are requested to register themselves by clicking below:
Registration Link:

Relevant members of Pharma Industry and associations are encouraged to get themselves register for this session for better understanding of new module. Pease note, only registered members will be allowed to attend this training session.

Notification: Directions of Registration Board on Labeling Requirements of Drug Products to Comply Pharmacopeial Specifications for Dissolution Testing

Registration Board in its 323rd meeting observed that various USP monographs for drug products prescribe more than one dissolution tests and that the pharmacopoeia in such cases recommends that “When more than one Dissolution Test is given, the labeling states the Dissolution Test used only if Test 1 is not used.”

Keeping in the USP labeling requirements narrated above and to comply to the Pharmacopeial specifications, the Board decided as under:

“The manufacturer shall mention the dissolution test Number on the secondary packing / unit carton of product for dissolution tests No 2,3 or 4 as per requirement of USP otherwise it would be presumed that dissolution test No.1 shall be performed on the finished product.”

Accordingly, the decision of Registration Board is circulated for information and compliance by relevant stakeholders / manufacturers.

Notification: Directions of Registration Board on Reference Product data submissions for conducting Pharmaceutical Equivalence and Comparative Dissolution Profile Studies

Registration Board of DRAP has issued a Guidance document for applicants on submission of application on form 5-F (CTD) for registration of pharmaceutical drug products for human use. Submission of data of pharmaceutical equivalence and Comparative Dissolution Profile (CDP) is required under section 3.2.P.2.2.1 (Formulation Development) of Form 5F (CTD).

In order to further harmonize the submission of such data and ensure data integrity, Registration Board in its 322nd meeting held on 8th & 10th November, 2022 decided as under:

Firm shall submit the image/picture/snapshot of the innovator/reference/comparator pack against which Pharmaceutical equivalence / Comparative Dissolution Profile studies have been performed and shall reveal the details of brand name, manufacturer, batch# and expiry date of the innovator/reference/comparator product in the section 3.2.P.2.2.1 (Formulation development) of Form 5F.

Accordingly, above decision of Registration Board is hereby notified and circulated for information and compliance by relevant stakeholders / applicants.

Notification: Applications for Registrations of Pharmaceutical drugs submitted on Form 5/5D requiring submission of Product Stability Data

Registration Board in 320th meeting held on 29th – 31st August 2022 has issued a direction with regards to the applications received on Form 5 / 5-D for registration of pharmaceutical drugs, which requires submission of stability study data for further processing. The list of such applications is available on official website of DRAP (link).

The decision of Registration Board is notified and attached hereunder for information and compliance by all relevant stakeholders.

National Essential Medicine Lists

Availability of essential medicines is one of the essential building blocks of healthcare system. Essential medicines are those which satisfy the primary healthcare need of the population. These are intended to be available within the context of functioning of health system at all times, in adequate amounts, in the appropriate dosage form with assured quality, and at a price that the individual and community can afford.

Careful selection of a limited range of essential medicines of high quality can provide better management towards judicious use of health resources.

National standard treatment guidelines navigate selection of essential medicine with the expectation to ensure their availability with reference to proper use of medicine within the healthcare system while reducing its cost.

National Essential Medicine List NEML is a critical document which provides and supports quality of health services across the country. The list is based on disease prevalence, evidence on efficacy and safety, and comparative cost-effectiveness and parameters adapted by W.H.O in its latest edition of Model List of Essential Medicines.

Health sector in general and Pharmaceutical sector in particular is expected to seriously consider adopting this list as a way forward to guide Provincial Governments in Medicine & Pharmaceutical sector policies, the determinants of medicines access and availability. The Provincial Governments can play a pivotal role to encourage procurement and supply chain management policies based on essential medicine concepts to promote rational use of scarce public resources. Drug Regulatory Authority is committed to make all efforts to improve patient care through availability of cost efficacious, safe & quality medicines availability in the country.

Current List

The current version, updated in October 2023 is based on the 23rd WHO Model List of Essential Medicines List (MLEM).

National Essential Medicine List-2023
English ( 47.8 MB – PDF)

Previous Lists

National Essential Medicine List-2021
English ( 10.8 MB – PDF)

National Essential Medicine List-2020
English ( 55 MB – PDF)

National Essential Medicine List-2018
English ( 15 MB – PDF)

National Essential Medicine List-2016
English ( 39 MB – PDF)

Proposed amendments in the Rules : DRAP invites comments from stakeholders and public on the draft amendments in the Drugs (Licensing, Registering and Advertising) Rules, 1976;

The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) has issued a proposal to amend the current version of the Drugs (Licensing, Registering and Advertising) Rules, 1976. The proposed amendments relates to the minimum area requirement for establishment of a pharmaceutical manufacturing units and adoption of Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation / Scheme (PIC/S) Guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), in order to further align more closely with the international standards and best practices, as practiced by many other regulatory authorities around the world.

The DRAP proposes to do so primarily by incorporating the provisos to enable manufactures and regulators to follow principles set by the Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation / Scheme (PIC/S) to maintain the quality standards at an acceptable level. PIC/s guidelines provide comprehensive guidance for both industry and regulators on various aspects of Good Manufacturing Practices.

DRAP has the mandate to issue guidelines and to monitor enforcement of licensing of manufacture of therapeutic goods and to implement internationally recognized standards under Section 7(c)(i) & (ix) of the DRAP Act, 2012. Control of environmental conditions for pharmaceutical industry is essential to manufacture quality products. and implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines is critical to ensure the proper design, monitoring, and control of the manufacturing processes and facilities.

Stakeholders can submit their comments within 14 (fourteen) days of the publication of this Notification in the official Gazette of Pakistan using prescribed format, via email to, or can be posted at mailing address, Deputy Director, Division of Legal Affairs, Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan, 1st floor, TF Complex, 7th Mauve Area, G-9/4, Islamabad. Further information on comments submission can be accessed on this link.

SRO 778 (I)/2022 dated 10th June, 2022