LR No. Date of Receipt Nomenclature (Brand Name)   Generic Name Received From Lot No. Manufacturer  Mfg. Date  Exp. Date Pak. Reg. # Unit Type Status Date of  Release
2025/01 02-01-2024 Pentaglobin  Human Immunoglobulin  Eastern Trade & Distribution (Pvt) Ltd., Karachi.  C146154P03 Biotest AG, Germany. 19-05-2024 30-04-2026 009943 Vial Released  06-01-2025
2025/02 03-01-2024 Equirab Rabies Antiserum Equine Hakimsons Impex (Pvt) Ltd, Karachi.  A06824030 Bharat Serum & Vaccine Ltd., India.  01-10-2024 30-09-2026 052223 Vial Released  06-01-2025
2025/03 07-01-2024 Hepatitis-B Immunoglobulin Hepatitis-B Immunoglobulin  Hakimsons Impex (Pvt) Ltd, Karachi.  P100742030 CSL Behring GmbH, Germany. 02-07-2024 30-06-2027 047506 PFS Released  08-01-2025
2025/04 07-01-2024 Human Albumin  Human Albumin  Hakimsons Impex (Pvt) Ltd, Karachi.  P100769162 CSL Behring GmbH, Germany. 09-09-2024 31-08-2029 023674 Vial Released  08-01-2025
2025/05 07-01-2024 Human Albumin  Human Albumin  Hakimsons Impex (Pvt) Ltd, Karachi.  P100763317 CSL Behring GmbH, Germany. 25-09-2024 31-08-2029 023674 Vial Released  08-01-2025
2025/06 08-01-2024 Influenza Vaccine  Influenza Vaccine  Sind Medical Stores,  Karachi  LA202407036 Sinovac Biotich Co, Ltd China  05-07-2024 04-07-2025 115151 PFS Released  08-01-2025
2025/07 08-01-2024 Plasbumin-20 Human Albumin  Popular International (Pvt) Ltd., Karachi.  B03J072933 Grifols Therapeutics Inc. USA. 31-07-2024 30-07-2027 107874 Vial Released  08-01-2025
2025/08 08-01-2024 Koate-DVI Antihemophilic FactorVIII Popular International (Pvt) Ltd., Karachi.  B01J074483 Grifols Therapeutics Inc. USA. 06-08-2024 05-08-2026 007965 Vial Released  16-01-2025
2025/09 09-01-2024 Hepatitis B Vaccine  Hepatitis B Vaccine  Hoffmann Human Health Ltd Lahore 0324Q009C Serum Institute of India Ltd., India.  08-2024 07-2027 041193 Vial Released  09-01-2025
2025/10 09-01-2024 Hepatitis B Vaccine  Hepatitis B Vaccine  Hoffmann Human Health Ltd Lahore 0324Q009D Serum Institute of India Ltd., India.  08-2024 07-2027 041193 Vial Released  09-01-2025
2025/11 09-01-2024 Hepatitis B Vaccine  Hepatitis B Vaccine  Hoffmann Human Health Ltd Lahore 0324Q006B Serum Institute of India Ltd., India.  07-2024 06-2027 041193 Vial Released  09-01-2025
2025/12 13-01-2024 Rabies Vaccine Rabies Vaccine Quality Assurance Department, NIH, Islamabad.  RV-11-24 Biological Production Division, NIH, Islamabad.  22-04-2024 21-10-2025 091880 Vial Released  20-01-2025
2025/13 13-01-2024 Rabies Vaccine Rabies Vaccine Quality Assurance Department, NIH, Islamabad.  RV-12-24 Biological Production Division, NIH, Islamabad.  22-04-2024 21-10-2025 091880 Vial Released  20-01-2025
2025/14 14-01-2024 SK Albumin Human Albumin  Sind Medical Stores,  Karachi  1D24E022K SK PLAZMA CO. LTD. SOUTH KOREA. 12-09-2024 11-12-2027 111137 Vial Released  20-01-2025
2025/15 14-01-2024 SK Albumin Human Albumin  Sind Medical Stores,  Karachi  1F24E014K SK PLAZMA CO. LTD. SOUTH KOREA. 24-09-2024 23-12-2027 111138 Vial Released  20-01-2025
2025/16 16-01-2024 Measles,Mumps and Rubella  Measles Mumps & Rubella  Amson Vaccines & Pharma (Pvt) Ltd., Islamabad.  0134N065B Serum Institute of India Ltd., India.  09-2024 02-2027 013272 Vial Released  20-01-2025
2025/17 16-01-2024 Measles,Mumps and Rubella  Measles Mumps & Rubella  Amson Vaccines & Pharma (Pvt) Ltd., Islamabad.  0134N060A Serum Institute of India Ltd., India.  09-2024 02-2027 013272 Vial Released  20-01-2025
2025/18 16-01-2024 Plasbumin-20 Human Albumin  Popular International (Pvt) Ltd., Karachi.  B03J075643 Grifols Therapeutics Inc. USA. 05-08-2024 04-08-2027 007967 Vial Released  20-01-2025
2025/19 16-01-2024 GAMUNEX-C Human Immunoglobulin intravenous Popular International (Pvt) Ltd., Karachi.  A02J041193 Grifols Therapeutics Inc. USA. 01/05/2024 30/04/2027 077515 Vial Released  20-01-2025